题目:Hankel Operators on the Harmonic Bergman Space of the Unit Ball
主讲人:缪杰教授 美国阿肯色州立大学
时 间:2012年6月20日下午15:30-16: 30
地 点:上海快三理学院3-303
Hankel operators on the Bergman space of the unit ball in C^n are well studied.
Characterizations for bounded, compact, and Schatten p-class Hankel operators
on the Bergman space of the unit ball in C^n have been obtained.
I will talk about similar results for Hankel operators on the harmonic Bergamn space
of the unit ball in R^n. While these two settings are similar in nature, there are some noticeable
differences between them which require different techniques.
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